Madagascar's Carnivora

Madagascar has a rather fascinating native Carnivora fauna.

Eleven (11) species of carnivores are spread in two families all over the island:

  • Eupleridae
  • Viverridae


Ten (10) species are endemic  and one (01), the Viverricula indica is also found throughout southern Asia and was probably introduced to the island by immigrants. 

According of the IUCN Red List of Species, Eight (08) species were found to be threatened to extinction in Madagascar:

  • 03 species are endangered
  • 03 Vulnerable
  • 02 Near Threatened)
Carnivores inventories and lists
A Fossa, Cryptoprocta ferox, the biggest predator of Madagascar.

List and classifications

NFamilySpeciesCommon nameDistribution - HabitatRed List
1Eupleridae (Euplerinae)Cryptoprocta ferox*FosaWidespreadVU
2Eupleridae (Euplerinae)Eupleres goudotii*Eastern FanaloucHumid forests of the E and far NEN
3Eupleridae (Euplerinae)Eupleres major*Western FanaloucSambirano and South to the Soalala regionEN
4Eupleridae (Euplerinae)Fossa fossana*Striped civetHunid forest of the E and NNT
5Eupleridae (Galidiinae)Galidia elegans*Malagasy ring-tailed mongooseHumid forests of the E, far north and limistone areas of Central WLC
6Eupleridae (Galidiinae)Galidictis fasciata*Broad-striped mongooseHunid forest of the E NT
7Eupleridae (Galidiinae)Galidictis grandidieri*Giant Striped (Grandidier's) mongooseMahafaly plateauEN
8Eupleridae (Galidiinae)Mungotictis d. decemlineata*Northern BokibokyCentral MenabeVU
9Eupleridae (Galidiinae)Mungotictis d. lineata*Southern BokibokyManombo River Valley, N of TulearNA
10Eupleridae (Galidiinae)Salanoia concolor*Brown tailed mongooseHumid forests of the E and far NVU
11ViverridaeViverricula indica**Small Indian CivetS and SE Asia, MadagascarLC

IUCN Red List:
CR: Critically Endengered (The species is facing an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild)
EN: Endangered (The species is facing a very high risk of extinction in the wild)
VU: Vulnerable (The species is facing a high risk of extinction in the wild)
NT: Near Threatened (The species does not currently qualify as being at high risk of extinction but it is likely to do so in the future)
LC: Least Concern (The species is not currently at risk of extinction in the wild)
DD: Data Deficient (There is inadequate information to assess the risk of extinction for this species)
NE: Not yet Evaluated

* : Endemic species
**: Introduced species